Nowhere else in the continental United States is it possible to grow the wide variety of palms that can be successfully grown in Florida. And a good number of these can be grown in Brevard County. These graceful plants do much to make the Brevard landscape distinctively different.
Planting palms tree in Florida: Palms may be planted at any time of the year. Roots develop mostly during the warm rainy season. Plant the palm at the same depth it was grown in the container.
Watering Palm trees: Thoroughly water the newly planted palm every third day for about two weeks. Then water it weekly until it is established. After that water it as needed. Adjust accordingly to the weather conditions and the moisture retention of your yard.
Fertilizing your Palms: Palm trees should be fed with Harrell’s 11-4-11. Use ½ to 3 cups per palm depending on maturity every other month. Do not use organic fertilizers on palms.
Palms that grow well in Brevard County
Adonidia / Christmas Palm
Dypsis Lutescens / Areca Palm
Bismarckia nobilis / Silver Bismarck
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis / Bottle Palm
Livistona chinensis / Chinese Fan
Cocos nucifera / Green Malayan
Chamaerops humilis / European Fan
Wodyetia bifurcate / Foxtail
Rhapis excelsa / Lady Palm
Phoenix roebelenii / Pygmy Date
Roystonea regia / Royal Palm
Seranoa repens / Saw Palmetto
Ravenala madagascariens / Travellers Palm
Washingtonia robusta / Washington fan
Beaucarnea recurvata / Ponytail Palm