Licensed landscapers receive 5% off all plant and gardening support products (excludes market + boutique purchases) and are eligible to earn more valuable discounts based on purchase volume.
how to apply
Licensed landscapers, provide a copy of your business license to to be entered into our system to receive 5% off qualifying purchases.

additional discounts
Once your business license is on file, you will receive an ongoing discount of 5%. More valuable discounts are available based on historical purchases based on the schedule below:
- 5% from the start with a valid business license on file.
- Accumulated yearly purchases of $ 1,000 or more will earn an ongoing discount of 10%
- Accumulated yearly purchases of $ 5,000 or more will earn an ongoing discount of 15%
- Accumulated yearly purchases of $ 10,000 or more will earn an ongoing discount of 20%
**Landscape customers are not eligible for ‘Garden Bugs‘ coupons.**